Integrative Psychology Group, LLC

An innovative, multi-specialty psychology practice

Meg Credit, M.A.

Meg Credit, M.A.

My name is Meg Credit, and I am a fifth-year Counseling Psychology doctoral student at Lehigh University. Throughout my education and training, I have primarily focused on trauma (on-going trauma, complex trauma, generational trauma, and traumatic events) and the psychological, social, and bodily impact trauma can have on the person and on those close to them. Many people I have worked with have come to therapy with relationship difficulties, distress related to oppression and discrimination, issues of the past that are impacting them now, a desire to understand oneself more, dissatisfaction with life, grief, gender identity-related concerns, and/or existential questions. 

As a therapist, I am both deeply relational and insight oriented, so I often focus on what might be happening between us, and how our relationship could provide us with information about the content you are bringing into session. I strive to cultivate an environment in which the people I work with feel able to share and examine what is often culturally or personally unspoken. In the same vein, I aim to invite emotional experiences in therapy, especially the emotions that can be unsafe for us to express outside of therapy, the emotions that we are often told (directly or indirectly) are wrong, the emotions we fear to feel, or the emotions we have difficulty accessing.

I have provided individual and group therapy and have experience working in outpatient and intensive care hospital settings, domestic violence agencies, college counseling centers, and in community mental health clinics. I have training and experience in providing psychodynamic psychotherapy, full-model dialectic behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and evaluations for surgical procedures.

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